Commission Portrait Painting or Drawing Today

Commission a unique portrait painting, especially for you. This creates a focal point in your home or office or could be a wonderful gift for a loved one. Get in touch if you are interested in finding out how I can work with you to create a unique artwork at affordable prices.

A commission portrait painting or drawing of your family loved ones

I’ll work with you to create a unique drawing or painting of you or your loved ones. Ideally, I will make preparatory sketches from life in charcoal or pencil and some quick oil sketches as colour studies. In conversation, I’ll also take photographs for reference. Working from this range of references I can create a unique portrait commission. This could be a piece of artwork you can enjoy and hand down to future generations.

Commission Portrait Painting

A portrait of your favourite pet

I’ll work with you to create a unique drawing or painting of your favorite canine, feline or equestrian friend. Working from a range of photographs provided by you I can create a unique drawing or painting of your fury friend as a piece of artwork you can enjoy and hand down to future generations.

Commission pet portrait drawing

A painting of a special place or memory

I’ll work with you to create a unique drawing or painting of a special place, garden or view. Working from life or a range of refence photographs, I can create a unique piece of artwork you can enjoy or gift to a loved one.

Commission landscape painting

Get in touch today

I’d be happy to talk through your ideas. Let’s get creative for your next commission art work.

View portraits painting examples from the art gallery